We want to build a world where all black people are free.
The Mass Liberation Project is a community for personal transformation, training, coaching, healing, visioning, relationship building, strategy and analysis development for Black organizers who are directly impacted by the system.
Mass Liberation
Our north star is healthy, robust Black communities that are self-determined and self-governed. One of the first steps to get there is abolition of the criminal legal system. MassLib’s core contributions to the movement are: Sustainability, Transformation, Community-Building and Analysis Development.
We need healthy, long-standing organizations and leaders to anchor the movement for abolition and Black Liberation. We do this by investing in Black directly-impacted people and organizations through capacity building and resource development.
In order to build a world where Black communities are truly liberated, we have to transform generational trauma. We do this by supporting individuals and organizations to take on healing journeys. We facilitate healing practices, anchor people through difficult conversations via restorative justice and provide 1:1 coaching for people and organizations.
In order to move to a world of self governance and determination, we need to practice community building amongst ourselves. We’ve created a space to practice, build relationships and align around a shared set of values, ideas, resources, vision and strategy.
Working for abolition requires us to frequently reassess and understand the world around us. We practice a culture of analysis development and learning through coaching, training and political education programs.